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The variance is 247.9. The StDev. is the square root of the variance: 15.75. See an easy-to-understand discussion of StDev and Var.

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Q: What are the standard deviation and variance of the blood glucose levels of six patients whose BGLs are 70 80 90 100 95 and 120?
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Which is more stable alpha or beta glucose?

beta glucose

What are the equations involved in the formation of glucosazone?

Glucose+ H2NNHC6H5 -------> Glucose Phenyhydrazone +H2O -------------> H2NNHC6H5 Glucose 2-ketophenyhydrazone + NH3 + C6H6NH -------------> Glucosazone + H2O H2NNHC6H5

How can you make a 2 glucose solution?

make by dissolving 2g or glucose (or dextrose) in 100 ml water or by grinding one glucose tablets (4 grams/tablet; found in drugstores) in 200ml of water.

What is dose of primaquine in g6pd deficient patient?

Primaquine will cause a degree of hemolysis in ALL individuals with G6PD deficiency, irrespective of their particular mutation.The clinical significance of this hemolysis will depend mainly on the initial hemoglobin levels of the patient and the dose of drug given.Mutations that confer lower enzyme levels may have greater risk, but even patients with A- can still have serious hemolytic anemia after primaquine.When possible, G6PD deficiency should be excluded before the standard therapeutic dosage for radical treatment of P. vivax and P. ovale malaria is administered.At present, for radical cure of P. vivax (eradication of dormant parasites in the liver), in patients who are G6PD deficient, WHO guidance (see related link) is:if glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is known or suspected, 0.75 mg/kg weekly for 8 weeks.

If you have a liter of water with 200g of glucose in it what is the mass vol percent of glucose in that solution?

200 grams/1,000 mL x 100= 20%

Related questions

What is the formula that use to calculate the concentration of glucose in blood by the principle of Beer-Lambert law and application of glucose oxidase?

To calculate the concentration of glucose in blood using the Beer-Lambert law principle and glucose oxidase, you would typically measure the absorbance of a glucose solution with a spectrophotometer at a specific wavelength. The formula to calculate the concentration of glucose is: Glucose concentration (mg/dL) = (Absorbance - intercept) / slope Where the slope and intercept are obtained from a calibration curve using known concentrations of glucose.

What do blood glucose levels indicate?

The standard ranges of blood glucose in healthy adults range from 7-10mmol/l. They indicate adequate pancreatic function. In diabetic patients, blood glucose levels can be considerably elevated.

How do glucose help to patients recover?

I'm not sure

How long is the standard glucose tolerance test?

The standard test is a 3 hour GTT (glucose tolerance test).

Why is glucose given to a sportsman?

Jyrhtifhykrjmutithgkyjykg3hwfiy4iel57isi4yi3ti7o4yj63oyyd95etwi4uieu3y ot2u5iy344you5ieto85iekutfwrjgekruntwkurkgsltjksjtketnrhketjryhmrykeyetjtetjyeky3o7

What state is glucose under standard conditions?

Glucose exists as a solid at standard conditions since it is a stable molecule at room temperature and pressure.

What is a glucose standard curve and why did you need to obtain one for experiment?

A glucose standard curve is a graph showing the relationship between glucose concentration and a measurable parameter, like optical density or fluorescence intensity. It is needed to quantify the amount of glucose in an unknown sample by comparing its measurements to those of known glucose concentrations on the curve. This allows for accurate determination of glucose levels in the sample.

Why is it important that glucose be removed from diabetic patients?

I think it's because glucose is turned into sugar in your body, someone please correct me if I am wrong.

How would you know if your glucose standard curve was aberrant?

u dont

How are sucrose lactose and maltose the same?

sucrose is the standard sweetness, a table sugar, glucose + fructose. lactose is the least sweet of all sugars, galactose + glucose. lastly, maltose is the sugar found in beers, glucose + glucose.

Why can hydrochlorothiazide reduce glucose tolerance?

Hydrochlorothiazide inhibits islet beta cells releasing insulin. Such can increase the blood glucose and reduce glucose tolerance, resulting in aggravating diabetes. So it is rather serious to use this medicine on patients with hypertension and diabetes.

Can optimal blood glucose control reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with type 1 diabetes?

Yes, but this is because optimal blood glucose control reduces risk of coronary heart disease in everyone.