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I think we're taking the same class. I have no idea either.

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Q: What are the three input components of the congruence model as they apply to success of IKEA?
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what are three input components of the congruence model as they apply to the successof IKEA.

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What do input and output speed sensors do?

They read the speed of the input and output components of the transmission.

Is a iPhone input or output?

An iPod has both input and output components; the controls are inputs, the headphone is an output, the connection to the computer (and wi-fi for the touch) are input/output components.

What are input resources?

Components that define how to get information needed within other components are input resources. A file system resource reads the information from files on the file system. Input resources include HTTP resource, subversion resource, and classpath resource.

Is the computer case an input or output device?

Neither. It is simply a container for the more fragile components.

Input process output and storage are the what?

These are the four components of all systems.

What 2 components are considered input devices?

* Keyboard * Scanner * Mouse

What are the two main components of the user Input?

key board & mouse

What are the two main components of the user input are?

key board & mouse

What is the force you apply to a simple machine?

The force you apply to a simple machine is known as the input force. This force is used to perform work on the machine, such as lifting an object or moving a load. The output force generated by the machine is what ultimately helps to make the work easier to accomplish.

What are three main components of stock?

input/output units and processing unit