Well with real numbers you know the date, your know your age, you know the odel of your car, you know the year of your car, you can calculate your gas mileage, you can buy stuff and not look dumb, you can get a job, you can do almost every thing with real numbers.
The real life uses are to warship,worship and worship allah........
what are real life design considerations that would apply to a wind generator
they are no uses
how to use number line to represent real life event
The real life uses are to warship,worship and worship allah........
DNA has many uses in real life. These uses may include use as evidence in a crime scene for example
what are real life design considerations that would apply to a wind generator
they are no uses
shopping, travel, measurements and money are the real life applications of real number system.
uses in laser machine
What Is his number
how to use number line to represent real life event
there is no real life situation
Unless you are a mathematician, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
you can find them at banks and also at the shops