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Theoretical articles use existing research to advance theory. The development of theory is traced in order to expand and refine theoretical constructs.

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Q: What are theoretical papers?
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What is the difference between a research article vs theoretical paper?

A research article is an article written based on the collection of many facts. Theoretical papers are ones written based on someone's educated opinions.

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"The Photoelectric Effect", "Special Relativity", "General Relativity". (Isaacson pg.20-30)

How do use the word theoretical in a sentence?

Theoretical physics explores concepts that are not yet proven by experimentation.

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Theoretical: pertaining to, or consisting in theory

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No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.

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The Theoretical Girl was created in 2000.

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Theoretical Economics was created in 2006.

What inventions did Einstein invented?

Albert Einstein did not invent any specific products or devices. Instead, he made groundbreaking discoveries in theoretical physics that revolutionized our understanding of the natural world, particularly with his theory of relativity and the equation E=mc^2. He also contributed to the development of quantum mechanics.

What has the author Martin Gubser written?

Martin Gubser is a theoretical physicist known for his research in string theory and quantum field theory. He has contributed to various publications and academic papers in the field of theoretical physics.