Theoretical probability- what the probability "should be" if all outcomes are equally likely.
What determines the theoretical throughput of a bus
Theoretical: pertaining to, or consisting in theory
Theoretical articles use existing research to advance theory. The development of theory is traced in order to expand and refine theoretical constructs.
As the number of times that the experiment is conducted increases, the experimental probability will near the theoretical probability - unless there is a problem with the theoretical model.
Empirical anything is what is observed. Theoretical is a calculation of what things ought to be.
Theoretical physics explores concepts that are not yet proven by experimentation.
Your accusations are purely theoretical.
What determines the theoretical throughput of a bus
Theoretical: pertaining to, or consisting in theory
No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.No probability - theoretical or not - can be 100. Therefore no examples are possible.
The Theoretical Girl was created in 2000.
Theoretical Economics was created in 2006.
I did not understand the theoretical example the professor used today. The Big Bang refers to the theoretical beginning of the universe. There is a theoretical limit to the size of stars, but it cannot be positively established.
A theoretical principle is an idea that is rather rarely practiced.
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist.
Theoretical is 50% Heads, 50% tails: 30-Heads, 30-Tails (theoretical)
Here is a website with relevant content on how you will solve for experimental and theoretical probability.