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Q: What are three possible results of conflicts?
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I have not gotten into any conflicts in the Middle East and therefore there are no results to be had. If the question is asking about the results of the United States' involvement in Middle Eastern conflicts, please see the Related Question below.

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Stay in you lane in order to avoid possible conflicts

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The sociologist likely studies how conflicts between different social groups arise, what factors contribute to the conflicts, and the impact of these conflicts on society. They may also analyze how these conflicts are resolved or perpetuated over time.

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The United States had an incident in the Three Mile Island and Ukraine had one in Chernobyl but the results were not compared as the results reached on Japan in world war two.

Is it possible that there will be a WW3 due to North and South Korean recent conflicts?

Yes it is possible the Korean conflicts could cause a world war, but so could the conflicts in the Middle East and any conflicts with the Chinese that may arise. It is more probable a world war would be fought over the Middle East which has the most oil being sold world wide. The world is dependent on that source of oil.

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Possible conflicts that could develop between the digital marketing team and the traditional team is the marketing strategy opted to promote and advertise any service or product.

What three results from the expulsion from the garden of Eden?

The three results were sin entered the world, so did murder and death.

Is it possible for a European country to remain neutral during European conflict?

Yes. A number of European countries are neutral and were neutral during conflicts such as World War II. Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland are three such countries, and there are others.