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Q: What are two circles that share the same center point?
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Non concentric circle?

Non concentric circles are circles that do not share the same center point.

Describes two or more circles on the same plane that share the same center?

concentric circles

Is the center of a circle the point of intersection for two concentric circles?

Concentric circles are the circles with the same center therefore they do not cross with each other as the "center is not considered a point on the circle". An exception would be two circles that are concentric and have the same radius, in which case the circles are indistinct and every point of the circles is an intersection.

This describes two or more circles on the same plane that share the same center?

concentric circle

What are circles?

Circles are a never ending object. They have no starting and no ending point. They have a center point and from the center to the edge of the circle is the same distance around the whole object.

What does concentric mean?

Concentric means having a common center, such as circles within circles where each one shares the same central point.

Circles in the same plane with the same center?

Circles in the same plane with the same center are concentric circles.

How many circles can share the same center?

infinite with each one slightly larger than the previous

Are circles in the same plane and having the same center congruent circles?

Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.

What is a circle inside a circle called?

A circle inside another circle is called a concentric circle. This means that the circles share the same center point, with one circle contained entirely within the other.

Which of the following is true about concentric circles?

Farmers had more control over their crops than with sharecropping.

What are circles with the same center called?

concentric circles