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Q: What are two sides confronting each other?
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How can you describe the difference between a parallelogram and a trapezoid?

A parallelogram has two sets of sides that are parallel to each other (as in, left and right sides are paralell to each other and the top and bottom are parallel to each other), whereas a trapezoid requires two parallel sides (such as left and right) and two non-parallel sides.

What does perpendicular sides mean?

The sides perpendicular to each other are at right angles (90 degrees, or square) to each other. An example of a figure with two pair of perpendicular sides is the rectangle.

Does a square have only 2 perpendicular?

No. Each of its four sides is perpendicular to two other sides.

Is a square a regtangle?

no a square is where all the sides are even and a rectangle is where two sides parralel to each other are longer. the other two r shortr.

What are the characteristics of an isosceles triangle?

Two sides have the same length as each other. The other side may be shorter or longer in length than the other two sides.

How many parallel sides does a trapizoid have?

A trapezoid has two parallel sides. The other two are slanted towards each other. In the picture below the top and bottom sides are the ones that are parallel. . ___ /____\

How many congruent sides does a isosceles triangle have?

An isosceles triangle has two congruent sides.

Does a rectagle have no parallel sides?

A rectangle has 2 parallel sides- the two longest sides are parallel with each other, as are the 2 shortest sides.

What is it called when two sides mirror each other?

This is called reflection symmetry, or bilateral symmetry, where one side is a mirror image of the other. It is a type of symmetry often seen in shapes, letters, and organisms.

Why do the strand backbones on the two sides repel each other?

The negatively charged phosphate groups in the DNA backbone cause electrostatic repulsion between the two strands of the double helix, leading to a stable helical structure. This repulsion helps to maintain the distance between the strands and contributes to the overall stability of the DNA molecule.

What two pairs have equal sides that are parallel to each other?


Does a rhombus have two perpendicular sides?

No but its diagonals are perpendicular to each other