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synthetic and long division, which can't really be explained by typing in my opinion if that's what your looking for

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Q: What are ways to dividing a division problem?
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The number doing the dividing in a division problem

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What does divisor mean?

A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.

What do you call the the answer to a division problem?

The answer to a long division problem is a quotient.

What is the number that does the dividing in a division problem?

The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.

Why can you write a division problem as a fraction?

when you are writing a division problem as a fraction u take the remainder of your problem and make it the numerator and make the number you are dividing by the denominator

What is the answer to an division question?

a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.

What is the number doing the dividing in a division problem?

The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.

What is the number doing the the dividing in a division problem?

The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.

What is the number doing in the dividing in a division problem?

The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.

How do you check a division problem?

Multiply the answer to the problem by the number that you are dividing by. (e.g. 18/2=9 Check it with 9*2=18)