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Q: What are weight of numbers in digital computers?
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What is digital savvy?

You can use computers or other digital equipment. OR You can use numbers and do arithmetic.

Do digital computers break data into numbers and characters?


What is a digital screen?

A digital screen is a liquid crystal display (LCD) type that exhibits characters such as numbers or letters. Portable computers and digital watches are examples of this.

What is the difference between digital computers and hybrid computers?

Digital computers are purely digital, i.e. they use digital(electronic) means to process data. Hybrid computers conversely use both digital and analog technologies.

Do computers store data digitally and ultimately as a stream of only two numbers?

Most digital computers today do.

Why are the fourth generation computers called digital computers?

Because the first, second, and third generation computers were also digital computers.

What do electronic computer manufacturers produce?

Included in this industry are digital computers, analog computers, and hybrid digital/analog computers.

What are the characteristics of digital analog and hybrid computers?

• digital computers work on discrete data representing quantities by encoding (e.g. integers, coded alphanumeric characters, coded floatingpoint numbers). • analog computers work on continuous data representing quantities by analogy (e.g. voltages, currents, shaft rotation rate, shaft position). • hybrid computers are a combination of digital & analog computers connected together to work as one machine.

Are most computers analog machines?

At this time, no, most computers are digital. However from the 1930s through the 1960s analog computers probably did outnumber digital computers as they were generally smaller and less expensive than digital computers.

What is mean of SD?

Secure Digital

How a digital computer can we define a digital computer and analog cmputer?

Digital computers work with exact discretely coded representations of numbers.Analog computers work with approximate continuous representations of numbers.Hybrid computers are computers that are part digital part analog.I have used all three types, each has advantages.

Why do digital computers use binary numbers for their operation?

Digital computers use binary numbers because that is easier for them, and the easiest way for humans to represent what goes on inside of computers. Computers contain millions of transistors inside the various ICs in the computer. Transistors can generally be on or off. Sure, it is possible for transistors to have a range, but then, in this case, it wouldn't be digital. So since the transistors are used as on-off switches, it is easiest to represent them as binary digits, since they can either be on or off.