Whatever color your eyes are.
it lets you see in color and stop putting your science answers on wikianswers.
100%ALL babys are born with blue eyeshowever later in life the eye color can changethis depends on the color of the eyes of the baby's parentsi hope i could help...Not True Not ALL babies are born with blue eyes, Most are born with blue eyes but African american babies are usually brown, And some caucasian babies are also born with dark brown eyes as my son was.
Whatever color your eyes are, because I said you were the bus driver!
Using 'as' and 'like' followed by a noun (or a pronoun) is a preposition forming a prepositional phrase; for example:The pancakes are as light as a feather. (the prepositional phase tells us something about the lightness of the pancakes)She has dark eyes like ebony. (the prepositional phase tells us more about her eye color)
Scientists have the same color eyes as all of us.
well their eyes can be any color just like us. i have one named spunky and she has light blue eyes!
The cone cells.
His biography doesn't tell us that information.
Responsible for a mix of rhodopsin and secondary pigments is what grants us color vision has the retinal mechanism necessary for acute,bright light color vision.
In the Twilight series, the color of Edward's human eyes is mentioned in the first book, "Twilight." His eyes are described as a greenish color when he was a human.
Doubtful. The amount of melanin in the eye, which causes the eyes color, will probably be different.
Elmo's eyes are white.
Crowfeather's eyes are blue, though Erin Hunter has accidentally made mistakes before and told us that they were amber.
Color of Her Eyes was created in 1990.
natural color of eyes are blue.
the color when you close your eyes