Well, honey, in the world of measurements, length usually comes before width. It's like asking if the chicken or the egg came first - you gotta have a starting point! So, when you're sizing something up, remember to measure that length first before you worry about the width.
It doesn't matter.
Either doesn't really matter.
Volume = Length x Width x Height. If the prism is square, then either Height = Width or Height = Length In the first case, Volume = Length x Width2 and so Width = sqrt(Volume/Length) and Height = Width. In the second case, Volume = Length2 x Width and so Width = Volume/Length2 and Height = Length.
Width should always be first.
perimeter = length + length + width + width = 2*length + 2*width = 36 length = 5*width 2*(5*width) + 2*width = 36 12*width = 36 width = 3 length = 15
It doesn't matter.
After looking at several sites the rugs were all describe by the shorter(width) first.
When measuring a curtain, the length usually comes first. This refers to the vertical measurement from the top to the bottom. The width is then measured horizontally from side to side.
Either doesn't really matter.
in most documentation the length comes 1st but it usually doesn't matter unless you are doing something other than adding or multiplying.
width always comes first
for what? usually when you say the two, length is said first
Volume = Length x Width x Height. If the prism is square, then either Height = Width or Height = Length In the first case, Volume = Length x Width2 and so Width = sqrt(Volume/Length) and Height = Width. In the second case, Volume = Length2 x Width and so Width = Volume/Length2 and Height = Length.
It doesn't matter but Length * Width * Height is usually how people say it :D
Width should always be first.
It makes absolutly no difference, you will still come up with the same amount. Generally I would do width x length and then the height. That way when you write it down the larger number is on top.
perimeter = length + length + width + width = 2*length + 2*width = 36 length = 5*width 2*(5*width) + 2*width = 36 12*width = 36 width = 3 length = 15