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Q: What comes first line feed or carriage return?
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What is the automatic return of the cursor when it reaches the the right hand margin?

LF, CR (line feed, carriage return) from the typewriter days when the paper would feed around a roller and the roller was on a carriage that moved horizontally.

What does crlf mean?

In computer programming, cr is carriage return, lf is line feed.

What is meant by white spaces in c plus plus?

space, tabs (horizontal and vertical), carriage return, line feed, form feed.

When the cursor reaches the margin the moves to the next line is called?

carriage return, line feed

What is the difference between line feed and carriage return?

Line Feed '\n' takes the cursor to newline but does not take it to the beginning. Wheareas the Carriage Return '\r' does just the opposite. The combination '\r\n' is used as EOF (End Of File). Note: Mac uses '\r' for Newline whereas Unix use '\n'.

What does ASCII code 10 represent?

ASCII (decimal) 10 is a linefeed character. text editors often use both a carriage return character (13) and a line feed character (10) when starting a new line. the same logic a typewriter uses where you have to return the carriage (which moves the paper over) and then feed the paper upwards.

What is the function of vbCRLF constant in a message box function?

That is a carriage return line feed. Basically force a new line in a string. Example: "This is a string that is on one line." would return: This is a string that is one one line. Example: "This is a string" & vbCRLF & "that is on two lines." would return: This is a string that is on two lines.

What is carriage in lathe machine?

carriage is a part of lathe which means to be support cutting tool to give feed to cutting tool and control cutting action.

Why feed rod is using in the engine lathe?

The feed rod transmits power from the headstock to the carriage for feeding operations.The lead screw transmits power from the headstock to the carriage for screw thread cutting operations. On some lesser types of lathes the feed rod and the lead screw are used for both the feed and the screw cutting power transmission.

What is the album feed the rhino - caller of the town?

'Caller Of The Town' by 'Feed The Rhino' comes from their first album 'Mr Red Eye'.

What does crf stand for?

In computer programming, CRF might stand for Change Request Form. CrLf stands for Carriage Return - Line Feed, or the control character combination created when the enter key is pressed under a Microsoft operating system.

What is the pourpose of split-nut lever?

The split-nut lever is used to engage and disengage the split nut on a lathe machine to control the automatic feed of the carriage. By using the split-nut lever, the operator can control when the carriage moves along the length of the lathe bed during automatic feed operations.