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Sodium sulphate.

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Q: What compound has 2 sodium plus 1 sulfur plus 4 oxygen?
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Sodium plus oxygen equals?

Sodium plus oxygen react to form sodium oxide (Na2O), which is a white solid compound. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 4Na + O2 → 2Na2O.

What is the compound name for aluminum plus sulfur?

The compound name for aluminum plus sulfur is aluminum sulfide.

What is sulfur plus oxygen plus iron?

When sulfur, oxygen, and iron combine, they can form iron sulfate or iron oxide depending on the specific conditions of the reaction. Iron sulfate is a compound that contains iron, sulfur, and oxygen atoms, while iron oxide is a compound that contains iron and oxygen atoms. The specific product will depend on the amounts of each element present and the reaction conditions.

What is Na plus S and why?

Na plus S refers to the chemical reaction where sodium (Na) combines with sulfur (S) to form sodium sulfide (Na2S). This reaction occurs because sodium has one electron in its outer shell, while sulfur has six electrons in its outer shell, which creates a stable ionic compound when they combine.

What is the formula for the compound Na plus O?

The compound formed between sodium (Na) and oxygen (O) is sodium oxide (Na2O). The formula for sodium oxide is Na2O.

What does sodium plus oxygen equals?

Sodium plus oxygen react to form sodium oxide (Na2O). This reaction is a combination reaction where sodium atoms lose electrons to form sodium ions and oxygen atoms gain electrons to form oxide ions. Sodium oxide is a basic compound that dissolves in water to form a basic solution.

What is the reaction sulfur plus oxygen gives sulfur dioxide?

The reaction between sulfur and oxygen forms sulfur dioxide, which is a chemical compound composed of sulfur and oxygen atoms. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2S(s) + 3O2(g) → 2SO2(g).

What does Sulfur plus Oxygen equal?

Sulphur + oxygen = Sulphur Oxide

Word equation for Sodium plus Oxygen Gas?

Four moles of sodium plus 1 mole of oxygen gas produces 2 moles sodium oxide. 4Na + O2 --->2Na2O

What is the word equation for the reaction of sodium plus sulfur?

The word equation for the reaction of sodium plus sulfur is "sodium + sulfur → sodium sulfide."

What does oxygen plus carbon plus oxygen what does sodium plus hydrogen plus carbon plus oxygen equalequal?

The first equation is the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2) through combustion or respiration. The second equation corresponds to the formation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) when sodium hydroxide (NaOH) reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2).

What does sulphur plus oxygen?

When sulfur reacts with oxygen, it forms sulfur dioxide (SO2). This reaction is exothermic and typically occurs with the release of heat and light.