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The state of Yugoslavia started to break up in 1991 and ceased to exist about a year later. So to fly from Yugoslavia to Austria would require travelling across time rather than a country.

You can fly from parts of what was formerly Yugoslavia to Austria without crossing any other country.

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Q: What country would you cross if you flew in a straight line from Yugoslavia to austria?
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First of all, you would have to travel through time, not just cross national boundaries, because Yugoslavia has not existed for over 20 years!Next, I am not sure what a "strait" line is. There are no straits in the region. On the surface of a sphere (or spheroid) such as the earth, the shortest distance between two points is a arc of the great circle, not a straight line drawn on a map which is a 2-d projection of a 3-d surface.A great arc flight would take you over Hungary.

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