As of July 21, 2010, the date 25 months ago today was June 21, 2008.
As I write this, today is December 21, 2009. The date 3000 years from today will be December 21, 5009.
On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.
Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
If you were born before today's date, 21. If born after today's date, 20.
Depends. As of 2010, 21 or 22. 21 if born after today's date.
The calculation would be Current Year - 21 = Birth Year. To be 21 today, you have to be born on or before today's date of that year. Example: Today is June 27, 2007. 2007 - 21 = 1986. You are at least 21 years old today if you were born on or before June 27, 1986.
Any time on or before June 7, 1992 .
Assuming today's date of December 21, 2009, today would be your 18th birthday.
As of July 21, 2010, the date 25 months ago today was June 21, 2008.
Born June 25 1990 would make you 21 today.
December 21, 2016
As I write this, today is December 21, 2009. The date 3000 years from today will be December 21, 5009.
On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.