Every decimal number can be represented by a binary number - and conversely.
The decimal number 58 is represented by the binary number 111010.
The binary number represented by 00101111 is equivalent to the decimal number 47.
A remainder is the numbers after a decimal point; sometimes used as repesenting in binary to get a binary number from a decimal number.
11 (decimal) would be written in binary as 1011
Every decimal number can be represented by a binary number - and conversely.
13 base 10
385 base 10
10923 base 10
The decimal number 101 is represented by the binary number 1100101.
The biggest number that can be represented in one byte is 11111111. Binary numbers have the ability to added together in a fashion similar to decimal numbers.
The decimal number 58 is represented by the binary number 111010.
The largest decimal number is binary 11111, which is decimal 31.
The binary number represented by 00101111 is equivalent to the decimal number 47.
A remainder is the numbers after a decimal point; sometimes used as repesenting in binary to get a binary number from a decimal number.
101010 = 42