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Q: What degree of a vertex would lead to a vertex edge graph unable to be traveled?
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What does tails for a graph stand for?

In graph theory, a tail is a path in a graph that starts at a vertex of degree one and does not visit any vertex more than once until reaching a vertex of higher degree. Tails are often used in describing the structure and properties of graphs.

What does a graph with six vertice and each vertex is of one degree look like?

Six points.

What is a cycle in graph theory?

If the graph start and end with same vertex and no other vertex can be repeated then it is called trivial graph.

How do you graph parabola given its vertex?

The vertex of a parabola doe not provide enough information to graph anything - other than the vertex!

What point on the graph could be the fourth vertex of the parallelogram?

the origin is the point in the graph that can be fourth vertex

What is the highest or lowest point on a graph called?

The vertex is the highest or lowest point on a graph.

What is dense graph and sparse graph?

Sparse vs. Dense GraphsInformally, a graph with relatively few edges is sparse, and a graph with many edges is dense. The following definition defines precisely what we mean when we say that a graph ``has relatively few edges'': Definition (Sparse Graph) A sparse graph is a graph in which .For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fixed constant k. Graph G is a sparse graph because .A graph that is not sparse is said to be dense:Definition (Dense Graph) A dense graph is a graph in which .For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fraction fof n, . E.g., if n=16 and f=0.25, the out-degree of each node is 4. Graph G is a dense graph because .

What is a pendent vertex?

A vertex of a graph is said to be pendant if its neighborhood contains exactly one vertex.

Distance time graph?

distance time graph is a graph traveled in a graph which shows how much we have traveled in equal period of time.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

Does there exist a simple graph with 7 vertices having degrees 1 3 3 4 5 6 6?

No. Since the graph is simple, none of the vertices connect to themselves - that is, there are no arcs that loop back on themselves. Then the two vertices with degree 6 must connect to all the other vertices. Therefore there can be no vertex with less than two arcs [ to these two vertices]. So a vertex with degree 1 cannot be part of the graph.

How do you know if the vertex is maxinum or mininum?

If the arrows of the graph point down, then the vertex is a maximum because it is the greatest point on the graph. If the arrows point up, then the vertex is the minimum because it is the lowest point.