

Best Answer

AL Khwarizmi was a famous mathematician who worked on mathematics and established the Indian numeral system and the use of zero in the mathematics.

He was the inventor of al jebra, and the complicated terms used in higher mathematics called al jorithm, which is extensively used in computer today. He worked on astronomy and geography and made sun dials and astrolabes.

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Q: What did Al-Khwarizmi do for algebra?
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foundations algebra is probably pre algebra, which is before algebra, so no.

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Pre-algebra preps you for algebra.2nd answer:Pre-AP-algebra is the same as Algebra I. Both are way harder than pre- algebra.

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That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".

What is the difference between algebra 1a and algebra 1b?

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Is it el algebra or la algebra in spanish?

el algebra

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It's the same. Algebra = algebra in Norwegian

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