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Q: What did Pythagoras and hippocrates contribute to the science?
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Did Hippocrates teach?

Pythagoras was a mathematician and Hippocrates a physician. Their paths did not cross. Pythagoras lived 570 to 490BC and Hippocrates 460 to 370BC

Did Pythagoros teach Hippocrates?

Pythagoras was a mathematician and Hippocrates a physician. Their paths did not cross. Pythagoras lived 570 to 490BC and Hippocrates 460 to 370BC

What are the Greek science contributions?

Technology and Science were important parts of the ancient Greece. Hippocrates is referred "The Father of Modern Medicine while Pythagoras invented the Pythagorean Theorem which is widely used in Science.

What was Pythagoras most famous for related to science?

What was pythagoras most famous for related to science?

What did Pythagoras do that you do today?

Mathematics and science.

Who is the father medical science?

He is none other than HIPPOCRATES.

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Why Greeks important to early scientists?

Almost all the important early scientists - and very often, the 'inventors' of their science - were Greeks: people like Aristotle (the father of biology and zoology), Thales and Pythagoras (mathematics), Hippocrates (medicine) and Archimedes (mathemathics and physics).

Who is the greek that started a school and studied geometry?

There are a multitude, but you are most likely looking for Pythagoras, or one of his more famous pupils Hippocrates

What did Hippocrates contribute to the field of medicine?

So full definition:Hippocratic Medicine. . . Its called 'Google.'

What was the name of the very famous mathematician from Greece?

Many famous mathematicians were Greek, such as: Archimedes, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Ptolemy and Pythagoras. Hope this helped.

Who taught his students that the universe followed the same laws that governed music and numbers?

It was Plato.