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If there are only two digits to the left of the decimal point, then we're having

some difficulty understanding the need for a comma.

Be that as it may, the way Excel displays numbers can be selected under

FORMAT \ CELLS \ Number .

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Q: What displays two digits to the left of decimal point and places a comma in Excel?
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Which is the ROUND function argument specifies the number of decimal places to round to?

In Excel, the second argument of the Round function specifies the number of decimal places to round to. If this number is negative, it rounds to corresponding digits before the decimal point.

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It reduces the number of digits after the decimal point in the display, rounding the number as appropriate.

How many decimal places are added to the data in a Microsoft Excel?

You can choose how many you want. The standard settings have no decimal places or two decimal places.

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In Excel, up to 30. In Excel, up to 30. In Excel, up to 30. In Excel, up to 30.

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It is a way to round the number(s) so that fewer digits after the decimal point are displayed.

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It means round the number so that fewer digits after the decimal point are shown.

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There is a function called ROUND which you can use to round to zero decimal places. If your number was in cell A2, the formula would be:=ROUND(A2,0)

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Normally it is 2 when decimal places are being used.

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In Excel, the function is Round(number, num_digits) wherenumber is the number that you want to round,andnum_digits is the number of digits after the decimal point that you want.If num_digits < 0 then the number is rounded to that many digits to the left of the decimal point.

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As you type, Excel displays the entry in the FORMULA BAR, and also displays the active cell reference int he Name box on the left.

How can you tell excel to ignore the third decimal place and beyond in calculations?

By use of the truncate function. For example: =TRUNC(B8,2) This will truncate cell B8 to two decimal places. Specifically, click the format button of a cell and input =trunc(&lt;cell goes here&gt;,&lt;number of digits you want the decimal truncated to goes here&gt;) Make sure there are no spaces in the syntax.

Excel displays numbers as percentages?

Yes. Excel can display numbers as percentages. Do you have a question?