If the divisor of a division problem is 4, any number between 0 and 3 (inclusive) can be a remainder for that problem.
Yes there is. The real problem is just inverting the remainder into the decimal for the answer.
1. The divisor is the second number in a division problem. For instance 6 / 3 = 2. In this example, the divisor is 3. If you have a divisor of X, then the largest remainder possible is X-1. This is because if you had one more number in the remainder, it would form a complete count, and the remainder would go away. In the case of 2 as your divisor, think of the number 11. 11 / 2 has a remainder of 1. However, if you had one more in the remainder, you'd have 2, and that would be a complete division. (Also, the number you have to be 12.) And there would be no remainder.
If the divisor of a division problem is 4, any number between 0 and 3 (inclusive) can be a remainder for that problem.
the parts of division problem are : dividend , divisor , quotient and remainder . where : dividend = quotient * divisor + remainder
then do the oppsite.Multiply.
The number left over in division is called the remainder.
Yes there is. The real problem is just inverting the remainder into the decimal for the answer.
The left over number or numbers
1. The divisor is the second number in a division problem. For instance 6 / 3 = 2. In this example, the divisor is 3. If you have a divisor of X, then the largest remainder possible is X-1. This is because if you had one more number in the remainder, it would form a complete count, and the remainder would go away. In the case of 2 as your divisor, think of the number 11. 11 / 2 has a remainder of 1. However, if you had one more in the remainder, you'd have 2, and that would be a complete division. (Also, the number you have to be 12.) And there would be no remainder.
Multiply the quotient times the dividend and then add on the remainder to the product.
quotient,divisor, and dividend and remainder