none, if u dont no this u dont need chickens
When people meet to exchange one type of good for another, they both must want what the other is offering in exchange. Let's say that I have six chickens, and you have three sacks of flour. I really need and want your three sacks of flour, but you do not have a need for six chickens. You want two chickens, and a bushel of apples. This exchange would not be successful because we do not have an equal offering of our wants and needs.
85 chickens
chickens are not well educated enough to learn how to lay purple eggs. they need to have conceived the egg on the night of a lunar eclipse when a accomanying dog joins in the fun while playing a violin. but ssshhh do not tell the chickens this because the eggs are all mine and they are worth a lot of money.
There are 42 chickens in the farm.
If you have more chickens than your coop can comfortably accommodate, you may need to consider expanding your coop, rehoming some chickens to a new coop, or finding a farm or sanctuary that can take them in. It's important to ensure that all chickens have adequate space, shelter, and resources to thrive.
Chickens live and thrive in almost every part of the world with the exception of the high Arctic and Antarctica.
Chickens need the same things other creatures, water, and shelter from predators & the weather.
Chickens may live in hutchs, they dont need to run as long as the hutch is big enough for the amount of chickens you own.
Yes, chickens need vet care when they get sick, just like any other animal.
Chickens are social animals and thrive in flocks. A chicken living by itself may experience loneliness, stress, and behavioral issues. It is recommended to keep chickens in groups to ensure their well-being.
Um, no offense but, why do you need food?
well i am a chicken enthusiast and trust me i know about chickens. you will need to check the stigma glands which are located near the reproductive organs of the chickens. they will need to be a light purply colour and i ensure you if these are as i described then you are in for some great egg laying chickens.
Yes, plants need oxygen to grow and thrive because they use it during the process of respiration to convert nutrients into energy.
none, if u dont no this u dont need chickens