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change in position,

also known as the integral of velocity or the second integral of acceleration

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Q: What do displacement vs time graphs represent?
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Velocity is the slope of a displacement vs time graph true or false?

False. Velocity is the slope of a position vs time graph, not a displacement vs time graph. Displacement vs time graphs show how an object's position changes over time, while velocity represents the rate of change of position.

Is displacement the slope of the velocity vs time graph?

No, displacement is the area under the velocity vs. time graph. The slope of a velocity vs. time graph represents acceleration.

What does The area under the force vs displacement curve represent?

Work done by the force.

What do the graphs of distance vs. time and distance vs time suggest?

distance vs time suggests velocity while distance vs time squared suggests acceleration

What do the graphs of distance vs time and distance vs time squared suggests?

distance vs time suggests velocity while distance vs time squared suggests acceleration

Does a steep slope on a displacement vs time graph indicates a very large velocity?

Yes, a steep slope on a displacement vs time graph indicates a large velocity. The slope of a displacement vs time graph represents the velocity of an object because velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. A steep slope implies that the displacement is changing rapidly over time, resulting in a large velocity.

Does a steep slope on a displacement vs time graph indicate large velocity?

Yes, a steep slope on a displacement vs time graph usually indicates a large velocity. The slope of a displacement vs time graph represents the velocity at that point in time. A steeper slope means a faster change in displacement over time, which corresponds to a higher velocity.

How do you interpret motion graphs?

Motion graphs, such as position-time or velocity-time graphs, can provide information about an object's motion. A horizontal line on a position-time graph indicates constant velocity, while a steeper slope indicates higher velocity. On a velocity-time graph, the slope represents acceleration (positive for speeding up, negative for slowing down). The area under a velocity-time graph represents displacement.

How can we use graphs to describe motion?

Graphs can depict motion by plotting position, velocity, or acceleration over time. A position-time graph shows an object's displacement at different times, while a velocity-time graph displays how an object's speed changes over time. An acceleration-time graph illustrates how an object's acceleration varies with time. These graphs provide a visual representation of an object's motion and can help analyze its behavior.

How does the graph of displacement vs time look for something moving at a constant posistive velocity?

The graph of displacement vs. time for something moving at a constant positive velocity would be a straight line sloping upwards, indicating a linear increase in displacement over time.

Is velocity the slope of the displacement vs time graph true or false?

True. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time, which is represented by the slope of the displacement versus time graph.

What does a steep slope on a displacement vs time graph indicate?

The slope of the function on a displacement vs. time graph is (change in displacement) divided by (change in time) which is just the definition of speed. A relatively steep slope indicates a relatively high speed.