An equilateral shape for example is a regular polygon whose sides are all equal in lengths.
An equalateral triangle has three sides.
Shapes that come from nature and do not look man made. Like flowers and flowing lines.
Rectangles and squares.
You can't tell one from another.
Many shapes circle, equalateral triangle, square, and all normal shapes from then on such as pentagon and hexagon etc.
3 equalateral triangles
they look like geometry shapes that are 3D
All of them are squares.
They look like cones
An equalateral triangle has three sides.
Shapes that come from nature and do not look man made. Like flowers and flowing lines.
Shapes that come from nature and do not look man made. Like flowers and flowing lines.
They look like hearts.
Rectangles and squares.
it's shapes that are 3-d like they look like real objects who have realistic figures as in real life