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blood alcohol content or Bank of America corp

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Q: What do initials b a c represent?
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What do a and b and c and d represent if a plus a and b plus a and b and c plus a and b and c and d equals 2006?

And how does this relate to coins?

What Christmas song had the initial t b c?

No, there isn't a Christmas song with the initials TBC. There is one with the initials TBHC (The Boar's Head Carol).

What Christmas song has the initials s n h n a i c a i b?

Silent Night

What letters A B C G does not represent one of the possable basis in the DNA structure?

The letter B does not represent one of the possible basis in the DNA stucture. The letters A represent Adenine, G represent Guanine , C represent Cytosine and the 4th is T for Thymine.

A B C G what letters does not represent one of possible bases in the DNA structure?

The nitrogen bases of DNA have letters A, C, G, T to represent it. B is absent in DNA

What Christmas song has initials T T N B C?

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

What parts of a letter is used in a friendly letter a letterhead b inside address c salutation d reference initials?

C. Heading

What do numbers b and c represent?

The letters b and c could represent almost any number. They are used in equations normally because they are unknown, and so that we can figure out their values through solving the problem.

Is 'poo' jargon?

Hello ellie tomolinson. My initials are C>H>B and i have a dog called milly. Do you know who i am?

What Christmas song has the first line 'initials'?

b w t c t s m w

What would initials be for diploma in marine purchasing?

No initials. They represent university degrees obtained.

What letters does not represt one possible bases in the DNA structre a b c g?

The letters a, b, and c do not represent possible bases in DNA structure. The four possible bases in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).