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Q: What do the intercepts and maximum value of the graph represent What are the intervals where the function is increasing and decreasing and what do they represent about the sale and profit?
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How can intercepts be used to represent real life information?

well intercepts could bedre

How can intercepts be used to represent real-life information?

well intercepts could bedre

What do the x and y intercepts represent in a word problem?

Same thing as they do when you are graphing.

What are the zeros of functions and what do they represent?

The zeros of functions are the solutions of the functions when finding where a parabola intercepts the x-axis, hence the other names: roots and x-intercepts.

A what uses bars to represent the frequency of data that have been organized in intervals?

If the intervals are of different width, then it is a histogram.

What is a Graph with bars that represent intervals of data?

a bar graph

Why do the bars touch in histograms?

The intervals that the bars represent are touching each other.

What bar graphs represent intervals of numbers?

Line Plot Follow me on tumblr @

What is meant by the term confidence intervals?

Confidence intervals represent a specific probability that the "true" mean of a data set falls within a given range. The given range is based off of the experimental mean.

What are intervals of pH?

Intervals of pH represent ranges of acidity or alkalinity. For example, pH 0-6 is acidic, pH 7 is neutral, and pH 8-14 is alkaline. These intervals help in categorizing substances based on their level of acidity or alkalinity.

What figure could represent the velocity versus time graph of a motorcycle whose speed is increasing?

A straight line with a positive slope could represent the velocity versus time graph of a motorcycle whose speed is increasing.

How do you know that two sides are parallel?

When their equations represent same slopes and different y intercepts. The sides don't ever dissect (meaning they don't cross paths or meet).