range means ... when theres a set of numbers put it in to least to greatest the subtract the highest number by the lowest
A range used as a math term means subtracting the highest value from the lowest value. the set of values that a given function can take as its argument varies.
The Value of a term
The range of a set of numbers is the highest number minus the lowest number.
A range used as a math term means subtracting the highest value from the lowest value. the set of values that a given function can take as its argument varies.
There is no such math term. There is, on the other hand, an astronomical term "equinox".
The Value of a term
The math term greater means bigger in numerical size or larger in order of the numbers.
The range of a set of numbers is the highest number minus the lowest number.
Equivalent or Congruent
countless and ongoing
It means kilo meter is a math term for meters
The same as it does in other contexts. It means change.
Nothing. It is not a mathematical term.