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A queue. In some parts of the world (USA) they use the word line.

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Oliver Jacobi

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2y ago
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Q: What do you call a line of person awaiting their turns?
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What do you call a line of people awaiting their turns?

A Queue I believe.

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What do you call a horizontal line above a letter in a person's name?

if there is a line above the letter in person's name that means it's a long vowel sound

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It is a line that twists and turns, not astraight line.

What do you call a person who makes crepes?

A chef or line cook. Perhaps a crepe maker.

Sigfried Line?

A few miles away from the Maginot Line, location where Germans concentrated their troops along their western border awaiting French and British action

What is the number on a phone to call back the last person who called you?

In the US, it is *69 on a land line phone.

What does this mean call a friend from a cell and hear the person is not accepting calls at this time message 19 switch 179 but when you call from a land line all you hear is a busy signal?

It could mean that there is a problem with the line.

What is a call tree?

They are probably looking for Ent. They were very old creatures that looked like trees.

How does a person determine the call quality of phones?

A person can determine the call quality of phones by how well they can hear the person on the other line and how well they can hear you. One of the best ways to find out the quality of the phone is to check for reviews from other users.

What do they call a line of people?

Some call a line of people a "queue" (pron. kyew). Others just call it a line.

What movie is this line from All the popular girls in school had nicknames like Cookie call me Cookie?

All I could find was mention of the line 'you can call me cookie if you like' from the show Family Guy. And 'they call me Cookie' from the movie Stalag 17 from 1953. But the person saying this line seems like an older, soldier or POW.