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A piece of an edge of a circle is called an ARC.

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Q: What do you call a piece of the Circle's edge?
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Related questions

Where is the edge in a cylinder?

The edges of the circles are the the the edges.

How many edges do circles have?

A curved edge and a straight edge which makes two edges

How many edges do semi circles have?

A curved edge and a straight edge which makes two edges

What do you call two circles with the same radius?

congruent circles

Do circles have an edge?

its one although some people say 0

Does a cylinder have perpendicular edges?

An edge is a segment that is the intersection of two faces. A cylinder has two parallel bases bounded by congruent circles, and a curved lateral surface which connect the circles. Therefore, a cylinder does not have an edge.

What are concertic circles?

Concentric circles - are circles that share a common centre. A typical example - is dripping water into a bowl - where you'll see the ripples form and spread out to the edge of the container.

What do you call the edge of skates?

goolie edge

What do you call it when a planet circles the sun?


What are circles?

Circles are a never ending object. They have no starting and no ending point. They have a center point and from the center to the edge of the circle is the same distance around the whole object.

What do you call the outer edge of something?

The leading edge

What are the circles on the moon?

The circles on the moon are impact craters caused by asteroids or meteoroids colliding with the lunar surface. Over time, these impacts create circular depressions that can range in size from small to large, with some even forming prominent features like the Mare (dark regions) on the moon's surface.