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Q: What do you call the answer from a number raised to another number?
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When a number is raised to zero does it have the same value as another number is raised to a zero?

Yes because any number raised to the power of zero is always equal to 1

Can you have more than one exponent on top of a number?

Yes, you can, but it starts getting complicated. You can, for example have a number raised to an exponent that is itself a number raised to an exponent, or you can have a number raised to an exponent and the result raised to another exponent.

Why does it make sense to call 25 a square number?

A square number is a number that can be simplified to another number raised to the second power. For example 25, is 5^2, 16 is 4^2, 9 is 3^2 and so on.

What do you call the number that is multiplied by itself 4 times?

The number raised to the fourth power

What do you call the result of a number being added to another number?

you call is the sum

What do you call the number from which another number is subtracted?

The answer is "minuend".

What do you call the number to be divided by another number?

The dividend.

What do you call a number multiplied by another number?

A Factor

When do you call a number a factor?

when it goes into another number

What do you call the number divided by another number?

The Answer: The dividend

What do you call a number that is divisible by another?

A composite number.

Definition of base in business math?

The definition for base is: A number being raised to a power of another number.