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its called a trendline

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Q: What do you call the line that smooths out the variations on a graph?
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What do you call a line drawn through points on a graph?

A line of best fit

What is it call the line that is across the bottom of a graph?

the vertical Axis

What do you call Graphs that don't begin at 0?

a line graph

Why is the graph of the non-ohmic conductor is curved in nature?

Ohmic (or 'linear') materials obey Ohm's Law. That is, their ratio of voltage to current remains constant for variations in voltage. Ohmic materials, therefore, produce a straight line graph when we plot current against variations in voltage;Non-ohmic (or 'non-linear') materials do not obey Ohm's Law. That is, their ratio of voltage to current variesfor variations in voltage. This means that non-ohmic materials produce a curved line graph when we plot current against variations in voltage.

What do you call the point where a line on a graph changes slope?

Nothing particular. The graph of y = x2, for example, changes slope at each point on the graph.

How do you multiply and divide on a line graph?

line graph x line graph = divided line graph

What do you call the horizontal line extending from the origin in a cartesian graph?

The X-axis.

Is broken line graph same as the line graph?

no because the broken line graph is a line graph that is broken da!

What is a double line graph?

a double line graph is a graph that is same as a line graph but there are two lines

How are a bar graph and a line graph different?

a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line

What is a line graph?

A continuous graph that shows change over time.