It's C C C X X I V
-- Take the Fahrenheit temp: ( 15.8 )-- Subtract 32 from it: ( 15.8 - 32 = -16.2 )-- Multiply the result by 5: ( -16.2 x 5 = -81 )-- Divide that result by 9: ( -81 / 9 = -9 )The same temperature given in Celsius is -9 .
In traditional Roman numerals, each symbol can be repeated up to three times in a row. For example, III represents the number 3. However, there are alternative forms of Roman numerals that allow for larger repetitions, but these are not commonly used.
1492 = MCDXCII14 = XIV49 = XLIXSum: 1492 + 14 + 49 = MCDXCII + XIV + XLIXExpected answer: 1555 = MDLVMethod 1Similar to the decimal system. Work from the right and examine the unit portions of each value. Expand the individual values, cancel out the positive and negative values and sum the remainder. If the result is greater than or equal to X, carry the X(s) and leave the remainder (the units). Repeat for the tens portion, the hundreds and the thousands. Combine the answers.Start with the units:II + IV + IX =I + I - I + V - I + X = (expanded)I + I - I + V - I + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)V + X =XV =V (carry X)Now the tens (with carry):XC + X + XL ( + X) =- X + C + X - X + L + X = (expanded)- X + C + X - X + L + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)C + L =CL =L (carry C)And the hundreds (with carry):CD ( + C ) =- C + D + C = (expanded)- C + D + C = (cancel out similar + and - values)D (no carry)And finally the thousands (no carry):MCombine the results:M + D + L + V =MDLVMethod 2Combine the numbers into a single number and expand the individual values. Cancel all similar positive and negative values. Then sort in descending order. Simplify if necessary.MCDXCII + XIV + XLIX =MCDXCIIXIVXLIX = (combined)M - C + D - X + C + I + I + X - I + V - X + L - I + X = (expanded)M - C + D - X + C + I + I + X - I + V - X + L - I + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)M + D + V + L = (unsorted)M + D + L + V = (sorted)MDLV
Divide 154 by 2. Divide that result by 7. 2 x 7 x 11 = 154
X2/X = X ======= I do not think you can divide one variable type by another.
C x v lit's one hundred sixteen
If and only if for all x in X and closed sets C with x not in C, there exists open sets U and V such that x is in U, C is a subset of V and U and V do not intersect
19 = XIX 49 = XLIX 99 = XCIX Expected result is 167 = CLXVII Method 1: Convert subtractive pairs so IV becomes IIII, XL becomes XXXX and XC becomes LXXXX. Then sort values in descending order of value, grouping C, X and I in groups of 5, and L and V in groups of 2, then reduce these groups so that IIIII becomes V, VV becomes X, XXXXX becomes L and LL becomes C. XIX + XLIX + XCIX = XVIIII + XXXXVIIII + LXXXXVIIII = L + XXXXX + XXXX + VV + V + IIIII + IIIII + II = L + XXXXX + XXXX + VV + VV + V + II = L + XXXXX + XXXXX + X + V + II = LL + L + X + V + II = C + L + X + V + II = CLXVII Method 2: Expand all symbols into positive and negative symbols, sort by absolute value, cancel out any similar values with opposing signs. Convert higher values to lower values as required. XIX + XLIX + XCIX = X - I + X - X + L - I + X - X + C - I + X = C + L + X + X - X + X - X + X - I - I - I = C + L + X + X - I - I - I = C + L + X + V + V - I - I - I = C + L + X + V + I + I + I + I + I - I - I - I = C + L + X + V + I + I = CLXVII
It's C C C X X I V
-- Take the Fahrenheit temp: ( 15.8 )-- Subtract 32 from it: ( 15.8 - 32 = -16.2 )-- Multiply the result by 5: ( -16.2 x 5 = -81 )-- Divide that result by 9: ( -81 / 9 = -9 )The same temperature given in Celsius is -9 .
Divide the result by (2.54 x 2.54)
1492 = MCDXCII14 = XIV49 = XLIXSum: 1492 + 14 + 49 = MCDXCII + XIV + XLIXExpected answer: 1555 = MDLVMethod 1Similar to the decimal system. Work from the right and examine the unit portions of each value. Expand the individual values, cancel out the positive and negative values and sum the remainder. If the result is greater than or equal to X, carry the X(s) and leave the remainder (the units). Repeat for the tens portion, the hundreds and the thousands. Combine the answers.Start with the units:II + IV + IX =I + I - I + V - I + X = (expanded)I + I - I + V - I + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)V + X =XV =V (carry X)Now the tens (with carry):XC + X + XL ( + X) =- X + C + X - X + L + X = (expanded)- X + C + X - X + L + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)C + L =CL =L (carry C)And the hundreds (with carry):CD ( + C ) =- C + D + C = (expanded)- C + D + C = (cancel out similar + and - values)D (no carry)And finally the thousands (no carry):MCombine the results:M + D + L + V =MDLVMethod 2Combine the numbers into a single number and expand the individual values. Cancel all similar positive and negative values. Then sort in descending order. Simplify if necessary.MCDXCII + XIV + XLIX =MCDXCIIXIVXLIX = (combined)M - C + D - X + C + I + I + X - I + V - X + L - I + X = (expanded)M - C + D - X + C + I + I + X - I + V - X + L - I + X = (cancel out similar + and - values)M + D + V + L = (unsorted)M + D + L + V = (sorted)MDLV
In traditional Roman numerals, each symbol can be repeated up to three times in a row. For example, III represents the number 3. However, there are alternative forms of Roman numerals that allow for larger repetitions, but these are not commonly used.
Divide 154 by 2. Divide that result by 7. 2 x 7 x 11 = 154
1 cm= .01 m C=?v 3.00 x 108 m/s= .01 m (v) v= 3.00 x 1010 Hz C=?v 3.00 x 108 m/s= 5 m (v) v= 6.00 x 107 Hz Frequency range: 3.00 x 1010 Hz - 3.00 x 107 Hz
'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy, and 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste.