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Q: What do you mean when we say trancendant values are independent of timespace and people?
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What do you mean when you say transcendent values are independent of time space and people?

Transcendent values do not depend on the period of history and place ehia d where people live/d.

How are the independent and dependent variables related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

How are dependent variables and independent variable the related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

Are the French weak?

No they are not weak, The French are very independent, with strong values, family orientated and a very proud people.

What is the relationship between the dependent and independat variables?

The dependent variable is influenced by changes in the independent variable. The dependent variable's values depend on the values of the independent variable. This relationship is often explored through statistical analysis in research studies.

What Preposition after independent?

The preposition "of" typically follows the adjective "independent." For example, "She is an independent thinker" or "He values his independence."

How do you find the values in an independent variable?

Measure them!

What range of values was used for your independent variable?

From the minimum value of the independent variable to its maximum.

How can you tell if a table of values represents a function?

If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.If all the values of the "independent" variable (x) are different then it is a function.If there are any repeats of the independent variable, the corresponding dependent variable, y, must be the same.

How do you decide the independent variable?

You choose the values of the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one you measure.

What do you mean by transcendent values are independent of time?


What is an experimental variable?

A variable whose values are independent of changes in the values of other variables. The factor you are testing.