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16002 is equal to 1600x1600, or 2560000.

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Q: What does 1600 ft with the power of 2 after ft mean?
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What is the geometric of 32 and 50?

Assuming that you mean the geometric average, the answer is 40.It's simply the square root (the 1/2 power, because there are 2 numbers) of 32 times 50 (1600).

What does 1 ft to the second power equal?

1^2 = 1X1 = 1 ft

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How do you calculate linear feet on a 1600 square foot home for gutters?

You need the perimeter but the area of the home is not sufficient to identify its perimeter. All that can be said is that, in the unlikely event that the home is circular, the perimeter will be 142 feet. For any other shape it will be more. And it can be infinitely more. Suppose the home is rectangular, with length = L feet and width = W feet. Then for an area of 1600 sq feet, W must be 1600/L feet Therefore the perimeter, P = 2*(L+W) = 2L + 3200/L feet. If L = 80 ft, then W = 20 ft and P = 200 ft L = 100 ft then W = 16 ft and P = 232 ft L = 160 ft , W = 10 ft and P = 340 ft You can go further: L = 1600 ft, W = 1 ft P = 3202 ft L = 1.6 million ft, W = 0.001 ft and P = 320000.002 ft L = 1.6 billion ft, W = 0.000001 ft and P = 606060.60.. MILES! As you can see, there is no limit!

70 ft to the power of 2 x4 ft equals?

70 ft2 * 4 ft = 19,600 cubic feet

How much will it be to fence an area of 1600 sq ft at 8per ft?

Assuming the area is a rectangular plot, it will cost $16,000. Area is calculated by multiplying length by width, so Area = Length x Width In this particular case, we know the area is 1600 ft2. We can then assign any number less than that to either the length and width, and solve for the other value. I'll assign the length a value of 200 ft. 1600 ft2 = 200 ft x Width To find width, we divide both halves of the equation by 200 ft. This tells us that the width of the plot we're talking about has to be 800 ft. To figure out how much fencing we need, we need to find the perimeter of the plot we're discussing. The equation for perimeter of a rectangle is 2 x Length + 2 x Width Or in our case 2 x 200 + 2 x 800 400 + 1600 2000 ft. At $8 per foot of fencing, that's 2000 * $8, or $16,000

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What does the 2 mean in 592000 ft 2?

It is: 2,000 = two thousand

What is the length of the hypotenuse if a equals 9 ft and b equals 40 ft?

Using the Pythagorean Theorem, we can find your answer.a^2 + b^2 = c^29^2 + 40^2 = c^281 + 1600 = c^21681 = c^2√1681 = c41 = cYour hypotenuse would be 41 feet.

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How many of 2mi are in a ft?

Do you mean 2 in (2 inches) ? If so then 6

How many square feet o carpet do you need to buy if you have 3 rooms that are 12ft by 12ft and 2 rooms that are 15ft by 20ft?

= (3 rooms X 12 ft X 12 ft) + (2 rooms X 15 ft X 20 ft) = (3 X 144 ft^2) + (2 X 300 ft^2) = (432 + 600) ft^2 = 1032 square ft OR you can write this as 1032 ft^2, which is just feet raised to the second power.