25 minutes past 11:00 am
25 minutes to 6:00
If the last digit is 25 50 75 or 00 it is divisible by 25
What time will it be in 25 minutes after 6:00
25 minutes past 11:00 am
25 minutes to 6:00
19h 00m 00s, −25° 00′ 00″
It's 4:25
I assume you mean 4:25 through 5:00. If so, it is 35 minutes.
Sunset at Vinton IA on 25 Sep 2009 was at 7:00 PM CDT (26 Sep @ 00:00 UTC).
If the last digit is 25 50 75 or 00 it is divisible by 25
What time will it be in 25 minutes after 6:00
odd hours to me mean 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 ...ect.ect.ect.
Libya is situated in between 25° 00' North latitude and 17° 00' East longitude .
not both 10 yes 25 no if divisible exactly by 25 a number ends in 25 50 75 00