it cuts(erases) selected text, but also copies it to the clip board for pasting.
control+z = undo
That's the first step to move the selected text or graphics. To go into a bit more detail, Ctrl-X is the "Cut" command. It erases the selected text, graphics, etc., from the document, and places it in a temporary storage. You can then recover this later - somewhere else in the document - with the "Paste" command (the shortcut is Ctrl-V).
Magnify the information displayed on the screen.
In the Windows computer operating system, CTRL X is the key stroke for performing a 'cut' (as in cut and paste).CTRL-C is copy.CTRL-X is cut.CTRL-V is paste.
control+z = undo
Do not do ctrl+3 it will ruin your zoom on your computer and you will not be able to see a whole view of whatever website you're on!
[CTRL]+C is achieved by holding CTRL while pressing C.
See the link below for a possible answer.
ctrl an plus zoom the screen in an ctrl minus dezooms it
If you mean it as a short cut on a PC, then it prints.
CRTL + C to copy and CTRL + V to paste. Also CTRL + X is used to cut.
press ctrl+w
ctrl shift - reverses the effect of ctrl shift =
ctrl plus r reloads a webpage.