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Q: What does Ethnic distribution map mean?
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Ethnic Distribution Map

Who would use a distribution map?

Religious distribution map: Places where different religious dominate, Linguistic distribution map: Location of speakers of various languages, Political system distribution map: Type of political system in each country of the world, Ethnic distribution map: Ethnic divisions and diversity in territory

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Political system distribution

What does ethnicity show on a map?

Ethnicity on a map typically shows the distribution or concentration of a particular ethnic group within a geographic area. It can help visualize diversity and clustering of different ethnicities in a region as well as provide insights into patterns of settlement and migration.

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What type of map show population in an area?

Distribution map

What kind of map tells you about the population of a place?

Distribution map

What is a distribution map in social studies?

Its a map to distribute things.

What is the current spatial distribution of Buddhism?

All people in Canada because it is an ethnic religion and people in Canada are ethnic

To quickly see which country has the most people what type of distribution map would you use?

To quickly see which country has the most people, you should use a population distribution map.

What is the difference between population distribution map and a population density map?

A population distribution map shows where most of the population is, while a population density map shows how many people are living in certain area