

What does Initial Question mean?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What does Initial Question mean?
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. ok v velocity a acceleration but what about you?

if by 'you', you mean 'u' then u is the initial velocity v is the final velocity. you need to know the initial velocity in trajectory question (motion of an object through the air) to find height, acceleration, time etc.

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Its is a initial for Aryana Spencer

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Without being able to assess the patient, this question cannot be fully answered. But, my initial reaction is that NO, it does not necessarily mean that they are dying.

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I believe you mean "initial sack" and that would be first base.

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Initial DEX offering (IDO) and Initial coin offerings (ICOs)

is it correct that the average velocity is always equal to the mean value of initial and final velocities?

No, the average velocity is calculated as the total displacement divided by the total time taken to travel that distance. It is not simply the mean of the initial and final velocities.

What is magnitude of their initial momentum?

The magnitude of their initial momentum depends on the mass and velocity of the objects in question. It is calculated as the product of mass and velocity.

What does the initial ie mean?

i.e. stands for a phrase in Latin "id est" which means "that is". eg. I'm responding to your question, i.e. I'm answering it. Source: Yahoo Answers :)

What is meant by the abbreviation IDI?

The abbreviation is technically an acronym and can mean many things. It could mean Initial Domain Identifier or even I Deserve It. This is a tough question to answer because of the many meanings. It is best to search for exactly what you are meaning.

What is initial responses?

initial response to what you have to put what so someone can exacly answer your question An initial response to something is an adaptation made at the start. eg. At the start of exercise, heart rate gradually increases.