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Assume 2^k < k! for all n > k here n > 2, then 2^n = 2^(n - 1)*2 < (n-1)! * n = n! Done. Connie and John
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { int K, P, C, J; double A[100][101]; int N; int Row[100]; double X[100]; double SUM, M; int T; do { printf("Please enter number of equations [Not more than %d]\n",100); scanf("%d", &N); } while( N > 100); printf("You say there are %d equations.\n", N); printf("From AX = B enter elements of [A,B] row by row:\n"); for (K = 1; K <= N; K++) { for (J = 1; J <= N+1; J++) { printf(" For row %d enter element %d please :\n", K, J); scanf("%lf", &A[K-1][J-1]); } } for (J = 1; J<= N; J++) Row[J-1] = J - 1; for (P = 1; P <= N - 1; P++) { for (K = P + 1; K <= N; K++) { if ( fabs(A[Row[K-1]][P-1]) > fabs(A[Row[P-1]][P-1]) ) { T = Row[P-1]; Row[P-1] = Row[K-1]; Row[K-1] = T; } } if (A[Row[P-1]][P-1] 0) { printf("The matrix is SINGULAR !\n"); printf("Cannot use algorithm --- exit\n"); exit(1); } X[N-1] = A[Row[N-1]][N] / A[Row[N-1]][N-1]; for (K = N - 1; K >= 1; K--) { SUM = 0; for (C = K + 1; C <= N; C++) { SUM += A[Row[K-1]][C-1] * X[C-1]; } X[K-1] = ( A[Row[K-1]][N] - SUM) / A[Row[K-1]][K-1]; } for( K = 1; K <= N; K++) printf("X[%d] = %lf\n", K, X[K-1]); getch(); }
K stands for thousand.
A combination, of k objects from n.
Print "Type the upper limit (n) ?" Input n K = -1 WHILE K < = n K = K + 2 Sum = Sum + K WEND Print "The sum of all odd numbers up to "; n; "is "; Sum
Nancy Katherine
N stands for Nitrogen on the periodic table.
No One Knows N--no o--one k--knows
N22 Cork to
what does K stand for in K( , K 12 and K 14 pipes and fittings
for (n=1; n<1000; ++n) { for (sum=0, k=1; k<=n/2; ++k) if (n%k==0) sum += k; if (sum==n) printf ("%d\n", n); }
You could just use the binomial theorem. Step through rows, n, and entries, k, and compute the Pascal's triangle value as n!/(k!*(n-k)!) You'll actually have better luck if you use the natural log of a factorial, then you can use laws of exponents to get: exp(log(n!/k!/(n-k)!)) = exp(log(n!)-log(k!)-log((n-k)!)) = exp(logfact(n)-logfact(k)-logfact(n-k)) which won't run into the integer overflow problems that a plain factorial function would have. To fill up a logfact array, something like this might work: while(i<maxn) logfact(i)=logfact(i-1)+log(i) i=i+1 Wend Be careful to initialize correctly, and watch your conversion between integers and doubles (probably have to do some rounding to your final answers).
k = f(n) = 7n
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int i,k,a[10],c[10],n,l; cout<<"Enter the no. of elements\t"; cin>>n; cout<<"\nEnter the sorted elments for optimal merge pattern"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"\t"; cin>>a[i]; } i=0;k=0; c[k]=a[i]+a[i+1]; i=2; while(i<n) { k++; if((c[k-1]+a[i])<=(a[i]+a[i+1])) { c[k]=c[k-1]+a[i]; } else { c[k]=a[i]+a[i+1]; i=i+2; while(i<n) { k++; if((c[k-1]+a[i])<=(c[k-2]+a[i])) { c[k]=c[k-1]+a[i]; } else { c[k]=c[k-2]+a[i]; }i++; } }i++; } k++; c[k]=c[k-1]+c[k-2]; cout<<"\n\nThe optimal sum are as follows......\n\n"; for(k=0;k<n-1;k++) { cout<<c[k]<<"\t"; } l=0; for(k=0;k<n-1;k++) { l=l+c[k]; } cout<<"\n\n The external path length is ......"<<l; getch(); }
It would stand for 103 kilometres or 103 thousand
The K stands for Kinetochore.
n(n+1)/2 You can see this from the following: Let x=1+2+3+...+n This is the same as x=n+(n-1)+...+1 x=1+2+3+...+n x=n+(n-1)+...+1 If you add the corresponding terms on the right-hand side of the two equations together, they each equal n+1 (e.g., 1+n=n+1, 2+n-1=n+1, ..., n+1=n+1). There are n such terms. So adding the each of the left-hand sides and right-hand sides of the two equations, we get: x+x=(n+1)+(n+1)+...+(n+1) [with n (n+1) terms on the right-hand side 2x=n*(n+1) x=n*(n+1)/2 A more formal proof by induction is also possible: (1) The formula works for n=1 because 1=1*2/2. (2) Assume that it works for an integer k. (3) Now show that given the assumption that it works for k, it must also work for k+1. By assmuption, 1+2+3+...+k=k(k+1)/2. Adding k+1 to each side, we get: 1+2+3+...+k+(k=1)=k(k+1)/2+(k+1)=k(k+1)/2+2(k+1)/2=(k(k+1)+2(k+1))/2=((k+2)(k+1))/2=(((k+1)+1)(k+1))/2=((k+1)((k+1)+1)/2