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Scalene triangle - a triangle where none of the sides are the same length.

Isosceles triangle - a triangle where two sides of the triangle, or the legs, are the same length

Equilateral triangle - a triangle with all side lengths congruent and all included angles congruent

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Q: What does Scalene Isosceles Equilateral triangle mean?
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Why are scalene triangles and equilateral triangles different?

A scalene triangle has three unequal sides, an equilateral triangle has three equal sides. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. Because with a scalene triangle only two sides are equal but with a equilateral triangle that would mean all sides are equal. (scalene = 2 sides & equilateral = all sides equal)

What is anisosceles triangle?

If your question is "what is an [space] Isosceles triangle?" then... an Isosceles triangle is one where two of its sides are the same length while the third is either longer or shorter. Additionally, two of the angles are the same. if all three sides are the same length, it is an "equilateral triangle" (the root "equal" is in there). Additionally, all angles in the triangle are the same. if all three sides are different lengths, the triangle is called a "scalene triangle." additionally, all angles within the triangle are different. now, if your question is "what is an anisosceles triangle?" well... technically there is no such word, however, it isn't a nonsensical word. that is, if you break it down, it does have a meaning. the root "iso" means 'the same' (this is why an isosceles triangle is called what it is). when the prefix 'an' is added to a word, it means 'not.' so an anisosceles triangle, when broken down phonetically means "not a triangle with 2 equal sides." this could mean it is either equilateral or scalene, but not an isosceles. (but remember, this is not an actual term used, so...)

What does isosceles mean in math?

This term is usually used with triangles, and in this case, it means that at least 2 sides are equal in length.Note that this could be 2 sides or 3 sides (called an equilateral triangle, and is still an isosceles triangle).

What does an equilateral mean?

equilateral means equal sides example equilateral triangle means triangle with all sides equal.

What does equilateral triangle mean?

An equilateral triangle is one in which all three sides are of the same length.

What does isosceles triangle mean?

an isosceles triangle is a triangle that means two of the triangles sides have the same length and two angles are the same

What are the identifying features of an isosceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides (and a third that is a different measure). It can also be identified by the fact that it has two equal angles and the third is different. The above also mean that two of the three altitudes, medians, etc are equal while the third is different. If the third measure is not different the triangle is equilateral.

What does equal astral triangle mean?

I assume you mean an equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides the same length (and therefore all three angles the same as well).

How did the isosceles triangle get its name?

Isosceles mean having two sides of equal length.

What does isosceles mean in English?

Isosceles. It is a property of a triangle where two of the sides are the same length.

What does the word equilateral triangle mean in math?

Equilateral Means When All Of The Side Are Equal !

What do isosceles mean?

Isosceles with a Clasical Greek mathematician, who theorised over triangles. Today in his memory we have the Isosceles Triangle, which is a triangle of two equal lengths and two equal angles.