The two main uses are:
To indicate a ratio - particularly of 3 or more quantities. Whereas with two quantities, a ratio may be written as 3:4 or 3/4, only the first form is used for more quantities. For example, "a triangle with sides in the ratio 5:12:13 is right angled".
Another use is as a separator, in the sexagesimal (base 60) system - similar to the decimal point. For example in hours, minutes and seconds as in 9:30 am or 19:45:32.
The colon compares two numbers in a ratio
The aftermath
ask your math teacher
any number at all
gaea and pandora represent math
Yes..willie colon the football player is hispanic/Latino...he is from puerto rican decent...and is proud to represent the Latino community...dale...
It represents a number.
A colon in math represents a ratio. For example, if you have 3 apples for every 2 oranges you have, the ratio would be 3:2. This can also be expressed as 3 2 (in fraction form). Hope this helps!
It represents a repeating decimal