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Q: What does a graph of data make easier to ragonize and understand than a table of data?
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What does a graph of data makes easier to recognize and understand than a table of data?

you can visualize the graph better than the table. ---------------------------------------------------- A data can make A PATTERN much easier to recognize and understand.

What does a graph of data make easier to understand then a table of data?

It shows how one set of data relates to the others, and to itself, it is easier to see trends when the data is graphed.

What does a graph of data make easier to recognkze and understand than a table of data?

Humans are highly visual animals ... it's the way our brains are wired.

How can a graph of data be more informative than a table of the same data?

A graph can visually display trends and patterns in the data that may not be as easily discernible from a table. It allows for quick understanding of relationships and comparisons, making it easier to interpret the information and draw conclusions. Graphs can also provide a more intuitive representation of data for those who are visual learners.

What is a frequency table in mathematics?

Mathematics frequency table is a graph that is used for data value. This makes it easier for things to be graded.

Why it is more useful to draw a graph then a table?

Though a table contains the data, it needs to be studied carefully. A graph, on the other hand, is an easier way to graphically show the same data, but in a more visually way.

What does a graph of data make eaiser to recognize and understand than a table of data?


How can a graph of data be more imformative than a table of the same data?

it is easier to read and is more recognizable and it is easier to keep organized

How can a table be more informative than the graph with the same data?

A graph can be more useful for making presentations because it is more visual, and it can be easier to recognize a pattern in a graph for the same reason. However, a graph doesn't have any more data than a table with the same data.

What is a table graph?

A table is a type of graph, that it's used for help the viewer understand better the information. It is like a graphic source.Hope it is okay!Laaura♥gleelover!.-VoleyFan..neverchange//whybenormal?!

How can a graph of data be more information than a table of the same data?

It does not. In fact, it usually contains less information because some of the precision of the data in the table may not be easy to retrieve from the graph. However, many people (but not all) find it easier to get a summarised version of the information from a graph than from a table.

How are elements usually displayed in a line graph circle graph or a bar graph or a table graph?

Table Graph