One minute you're here, the next minute you're gone. It refers to the frequently abrupt nature of death. It means that no one has a lock on this life. Jesus said, " "My time has not yet come, but your time is always here. " (John 7:6, ESV) Anyone can die at any time. And death can, and frequently does, come suddenly. One minute you're here, the next you're gone - dead.
key strokes per minute
30 minutes
To talk fast.
If you mean the time measurement, the first. If you mean extremely small, the second.
It means 'no longer here'.
The Minute You're Gone was created on 1965-03-05.
He made it at the last minute
Here Is Gone was created on 2002-03-05.
Not unless you look at your reflection one minute then look away the next.
It means the same as "here today gone tomorrow".....a transient or unreliable company.
The silent letter that would go in the phrase "He is seldom here He gone" is the letter "h". The correct sentence should be "He is seldom here. He is gone."
Fatty gets a stylist
No, minute is a noun (Just give me a minute here...) Or an adjective (Stop trying to make a mountain out of a minute [tiny] mole hill!)
I think it mean it will take 15 minute
yes it it. for example minute underground vibration.