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What does papar clip, pen and penicl have in common

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Leeanna Hough

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Q: What does a paper clip and pencil have in common?
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Related questions

Does a pencil or a paper clip have more mass?

A pencil has more mass than a paper clip no matter how big the pencil is.

How do you make a homemade compass without bending the paper clip with two pencils and a paper clip?

Put the paper clip on the paper. Hold the two pencils with the two pencil points on either side of the paper clip. Hold one pencil still then move the other to form a circle.

Would you use grams or milligrams to find the mass of a pencil?

grams definitely...a pencil weighs more than a paper clip and a paper clip weighs about a gram.

What items can you measure using meters?

a paper clip or a pencil

How do you draw a hegner saw?

with a pencil and a piece of paper and a decent you tube clip

How would you check that a pencil a sheet of paper and a paper clip had less than 1 kilogram?

Unless any of them are abnormally large, it should be common sense. But you could find a scale and weigh them.

Why is a paper clip attracted to a magnet while is pencil is not?

A paper clip is attracted to a magnet because it is made of a ferromagnetic material, such as iron, that can be magnetized. A pencil is not attracted to a magnet because it is made of non-magnetic materials like wood and graphite, which do not respond to magnetic fields.

What objects weigh less than 500 grams?

A pencil, a sheet of paper and a paper clip.

Name a small office item that you can never find when you need one?

Pen/Pencil Stapler Paper Clip RubberBand

What is the most common way to draw?

Drawing by using a pencil and paper.

What common object is one inch long?

small paper clip

Which most likely has a length of 12 meters snake pencil paper clip school bus?

A snake