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Q: What does but only so an hour mean?
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What does an hour so mean?

An hour or an hour and fifteen minutes

What does it mean when you and a guy have an hour conversation through a social network?

it normally doesnt mean much if its only an hour

What does it mean when someone says they only date by the hour?

He/she is a prostitute

What does on the hour mean?

At every hour exactly, for example 'the train will leave at 1pm or 2pm and so on - on the hour.

What does the acronym 5p per hour mean when using electricity?

"5p per hour" is not an acronym so please amend your question.

What does in an evil hour mean?

Usually it can mean a VERY bad hour............

How far is Guam from US?

Do you mean the U.S.? If so anywhere from a 10-20 hour flight.

What does it mean 80 minutes 2?

If you mean 80 mins to an hour, it means it is an hour and 20 minutes to a certain hour.

What does 34 of and hour mean?

If you mean 3/4 of an hour then it is equal to 45 minutes

What would cause a 1997 jimmy to for about 1 hour then stop?

Could be that your alternator is not working so you only have the power of your battery keeping you going for 1 hour.

How many kilometers per hour are in one knot per hour?

one knot = 1.85200 kilometers per hour A knot is already a speed, so you don't have to specify the "per hour" for it. That is only necessary if a knot was a distance, which it's not.

How fast can a tapir run?

Considering their size and appearance they can run surprisingly quickly