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Q: What does changing the value form a positive number to a negative number cause a parabola to do?
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What does changing the value of a from a positive number to a negative number cause a parabola to do?

Assuming that a is the leading coefficient of the equation of the parabola, changing it from positive to negative will reflect the parabola along a horizontal line through its minimum - which will then become its maximum.

What does changing the value of a from a negative number to a positive number cause the parabola to do?

open upward

When the parabola concave downward and upward?

If the number in front of the x squared is negative, then the parabola will open upwards. The opposite occurs when the number is positive.

Why does the expression -a does not always represent a negative number?

* If "a" is positive, "-a" is negative.* If "a" is negative, "-a" is positive. * If "a" is zero, "-a" is zero. If you want to force a negative number, you can write -|a|, i.e., the negative of the absolute value.

What are the rules fr multiplication and divisions of integers?

(positive number) x (positive number) = positive number (positive number)/(positive number) = positive number (positive number) x ( negative number) = negative number (positive number)/( negative number) = negative number (negative number) x (negative number) = positive number (negative number)/(negative number) = positive number

What does a negative number multiplied by a negative number equal to?

A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number

Does a positive number times a negative number equal a negative or a positive number?

A negative number. A positive number x a positive number = a positive number A negative number x a negative number = a positive number A positive number x a negative number = a negative Hope this helps :D

How do you work out how to times a positive number by a negative number?

A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

Determine in which direction the parabola opens y equals x2-7x plus 18?

A parabola opens upwards if the quadratic coefficient - the number before the "x2" is positive; downward if it is negative. Note that x2 is the same as 1x2.

When you multiply a negative number by a positive number is the number positive or negative?

The result of multiplying a positive number by a negative number is a negative number.

When you divided a negative number by a positive number witth the answer be positive or negative?

A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.

What is a negitaive times a positive?

A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.