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24*23 = 24+3 = 27

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Q: What does express using exponents mean - So how is it expressed when I have 2exponent4 times 2exponent3?
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What is the past tense of express?

The past tense of express is expressed.

What is the Excel formula to show exponents?

There are two ways to express exponents in Excel.=6^3=POWER(6,3)

What does express using exponents mean - So how is it expressed when I have 2423?

Probably in scientific notation. Count decimal places back right to left and leave the first whole number. 2.423 X 10^3

How did Archimedes introduce exponents?

Archimedes is said to have invented exponents to express very large numbers. A passage from The Sand Reckoner is offered as evidence. To say that he invented exponents is a stretch of the facts; but he was aware of the concepts involved.

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How do you express the numbers of a particular prime number using exponents?

Exponents are used to replace repeated factors. Prime numbers won't use exponents because they don't have repeated factors. To express the prime factorization of a particular composite number using exponents, just count. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 72 23 x 32 = 72

How do you find the prime factorization of 321 using exponents to express the result?

321 = 3*107

Express 96 as a product of prime factors using exponents?

96 = 25 x 31

How do you express 1 billion dollars?

its expressed $1,000,000,000

How do you express negative exponents as positive exponents while multiplying?

you make it into a fraction by puting whatever the negative exponent is attach to an pu that on the botttom of the fraction and leave a one on top

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Express 0.32 as a percentage?

0.32 can be expressed as 32%