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hormone 'x' is known to induce growth in seedlings at a specific concentration. Here, the experimenter wants to determine how long it takes for the hormone's effects to become apparent in the seedling. They have decided to measure the length of the seedlings stem (the hypocotyl), to observe the effect of the hormone, every 2 hours. Only one group of seedlings will be required. These measurements will be compared to a control measurement taken at time 0 (zero) before the hormone treatment has been applied to the seedlings.

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Q: What does homogeneity mean in statistics?
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What is the difference between heterogeneity and homogeneity in statistics?

Homogeneity means that the statistical properties of the variable which is being studied remain the same across the population. Heterogeneity means that they do not: it could be that the mean changes between different subsets of the population or the variance does.

What does homogeneity of variance mean?

It means that the variance remains the same across the range of values of the variable.

Can homogeneity be used to distinguish metals from non metals?

No, it can not be used. Every element has colour homogeneity.

What is a sentence using the word homogeneity?

There can then be questions of examining the homogeneity across sites of the distribution of the scaled values.

What would be a good sentence using the word homogeneity?

The team's homogeneity in their skills and work ethic allowed them to collaborate effectively on the project.

What does Sx2 mean in statistics?

In statistics, this is the symbol for the "Variance"

What are the importance of the mean in statistics?

the mean is important in statistics because you will find out your average and can compare that mean to other things..

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

What is an antonym for variety?

uniformity, homogeneity

What is the difference between homogeneity and heterogeneity?

Homogeneity refers to the similarity or uniformity of a group or population, while heterogeneity refers to the diversity or variation within a group or population. Homogeneity implies that the members share common characteristics, while heterogeneity implies differences among the members.

The mean median and mode are examples of what type of statistics?

descriptive statistics

What type of statistics are mean median and mode?

They are statistics of central tendency.