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In statistics, correlation measures how strong the relationship is between two entities. A correlation of 1.0 means that the two move in perfect tandem with each other. A correlation of zero means that the relationship between them is totally random. A negative correlation, unusual in the investing world, means that they move in opposite directions. In investing, low correlation means that different asset types have not performed in the same way: When returns on some asset types were declining, returns on others were declining less, or indeed gaining. For investors, this diversification has obvious benefits: If poor performance in one investment can be offset by better (or even good) performance in another, extreme losses in an overall portfolio will be rarer than otherwise, and the capital will grow more in the long run.

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What is significance of correlation?

it shows any pattern that may emerge in any given set of date, this includes a positive or negative correlation. positive where a gradient goes from low to high negative where a gradient goes from high to low

What are the characteristics of a positive correlation?

First, a correlation is an indicator of the linear relationship between two events or manifestations. As such, it does not indicate that A causes B or B causes A, but rather that A and B coexists together. A correlation will vary between -1 and +1. A correlation of 0 will mean that there is no relationship between A and B. The closer the correlation is to the extreme, the stronger the relationship is. It is important to note that the sign only indicates whether the relationship is positive or negative. More specific to this question, a positive correlation will mean that as A increases, so does B. For example, perfectionism has been found to be positively correlated to depression. In other words, as the person presents more severe form of perfectionism, he or she will also show more symptoms of depression. This relationship could be represented in a graph as a diagonal line starting low and gradually moving higher as it moves towards the right.

Why correlation does not guarantee causation?

Correlation shows a possible relationship between two random variables. It does not say one variable causes a result in another. It further is wrong to conclude if event B occurs after event A, then A caused B. An example from Darrell Huff's book, "How to Lie with Statistics": A correlation is found between smoking and low grades. Does that mean that smoking causes low grades, or low grades cause people to smoke? It seems a good deal more probable that neither of these things produced the other, but that both are a product of some third factor. The inches of rain in Spain may correlate with the temperatures in Mexico, only because there is similarity of seasons. Small or improperly taken sample may show excellent correlations. The cumulative sum of births in China in one year (each day the total is the sum of all other previous days) will show an excellent correlation with the cumulative sum of rainfall in Germany. This correlation is because the the same values are repeated in the cumulative sums.

What is an example of correlation coefficient?

Correlation coefficient My understanding is: two variables as they relate to one another and how accurately you can predict their behavior to one another when together. Basically the strength of the linear association between two variables. When the variables have a tendency to go up and down together, this is a positive correlation coefficient. Variables with a tendency to go up and down in opposition, (one ends up with a high value and the other a low value) this is negatiove correlation coefficient. An example would be the amount of weight a mom gains during pregnancy and the birth weight of the baby

What is Karl pearsons correlation co-efficient?

Pearson's correlation coefficient, also known as the product moment correlation coefficient (PMCC), and denoted by r, is a measure of linear agreement between two random variable. It can take any value from -1 to +1. +1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship between the two variables, a value of 0 implies no linear relationship whereas a value of -1 shows a perfect negative linear relationship. A low (or 0) correlation does not imply that the variables are unrelated: it simply means a there is no linear relationship: a symmetric relationship will give a very low or zero value for r.The browser which we are compelled to use is not suited for any serious mathematical answer and I suggest that you look up Wikipedia for the formula to calculate r.

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Correlation roughness refers to the degree of similarity in the roughness patterns of two surfaces. It is a measure of how closely the surface profiles of two surfaces match each other when compared using correlation analysis. A high correlation roughness indicates that the two surfaces have similar roughness characteristics, while a low correlation roughness suggests differences in surface texture.

What does a correlation of 0.20 means and can correlation be measured in percentage?

A correlation of 0.20 is somewhat low, meaning that the degree of linear relationship measured between the two variables involved is low. However, such a degree of relationship would not be ignored in many fields of science where relationships are difficult to detect. Correlation is rarely if ever put in terms of percentage.

When high scores go with high scores and low with low the correlation coefficient what will be between 0 and?


What fallacy is described assuming there is no correlation between two events there is also a casual relationship?

Very few people will assume, given NO correlation, that there is also a casual relationship.I will assume that you meant the fallacy in assuming that if "there is no correlation between two events there is also nocausal relationship".Correlation is a measure of linear relationship. If there is a non-linear relationship it is possible for the correlation to be low. Or, in the extreme case of a relationship that is symmetric about a specific value of the explanatory variable, for the correlation to be zero.Very few people will assume, given NO correlation, that there is also a casual relationship.I will assume that you meant the fallacy in assuming that if "there is no correlation between two events there is also nocausal relationship".Correlation is a measure of linear relationship. If there is a non-linear relationship it is possible for the correlation to be low. Or, in the extreme case of a relationship that is symmetric about a specific value of the explanatory variable, for the correlation to be zero.Very few people will assume, given NO correlation, that there is also a casual relationship.I will assume that you meant the fallacy in assuming that if "there is no correlation between two events there is also nocausal relationship".Correlation is a measure of linear relationship. If there is a non-linear relationship it is possible for the correlation to be low. Or, in the extreme case of a relationship that is symmetric about a specific value of the explanatory variable, for the correlation to be zero.Very few people will assume, given NO correlation, that there is also a casual relationship.I will assume that you meant the fallacy in assuming that if "there is no correlation between two events there is also nocausal relationship".Correlation is a measure of linear relationship. If there is a non-linear relationship it is possible for the correlation to be low. Or, in the extreme case of a relationship that is symmetric about a specific value of the explanatory variable, for the correlation to be zero.

What is significance of correlation?

it shows any pattern that may emerge in any given set of date, this includes a positive or negative correlation. positive where a gradient goes from low to high negative where a gradient goes from high to low

What is Rudimentary finance?

It refers to traditional economy where per capita output is very low and decling over a period of time. Here financial assets are absent, whereas no financial assets other than money. No one comes to invest because there is no other financial assets to invest.

How high would a hemoglobin level be to indicate lung cancer?

There is no correlation between hemoglobin and lung cancer. A high or low hemoglobin can mean any number of conditions; people with lung cancer can have any level of hemoglobin depending on situation and other conditions.

What are the characteristics of a positive correlation?

First, a correlation is an indicator of the linear relationship between two events or manifestations. As such, it does not indicate that A causes B or B causes A, but rather that A and B coexists together. A correlation will vary between -1 and +1. A correlation of 0 will mean that there is no relationship between A and B. The closer the correlation is to the extreme, the stronger the relationship is. It is important to note that the sign only indicates whether the relationship is positive or negative. More specific to this question, a positive correlation will mean that as A increases, so does B. For example, perfectionism has been found to be positively correlated to depression. In other words, as the person presents more severe form of perfectionism, he or she will also show more symptoms of depression. This relationship could be represented in a graph as a diagonal line starting low and gradually moving higher as it moves towards the right.

Why correlation does not guarantee causation?

Correlation shows a possible relationship between two random variables. It does not say one variable causes a result in another. It further is wrong to conclude if event B occurs after event A, then A caused B. An example from Darrell Huff's book, "How to Lie with Statistics": A correlation is found between smoking and low grades. Does that mean that smoking causes low grades, or low grades cause people to smoke? It seems a good deal more probable that neither of these things produced the other, but that both are a product of some third factor. The inches of rain in Spain may correlate with the temperatures in Mexico, only because there is similarity of seasons. Small or improperly taken sample may show excellent correlations. The cumulative sum of births in China in one year (each day the total is the sum of all other previous days) will show an excellent correlation with the cumulative sum of rainfall in Germany. This correlation is because the the same values are repeated in the cumulative sums.

What is Name of money given to a borrower of low income and assets?

subprime loan

Can the state take assets other than the home to pay for nursing home care?

The State can file an estate claim; however, Medicaid has very low priority in probate.

Is DC is at low voltage than ac?

There's no correlation between the voltage, the current, and whether the source is AC or DC.